The recent explosion of abortion bans across the United States has had the side effect of increasing the amount of misinformation about your options when it comes to abortion. This is particularly true if you live in a state where a ban has recently been imposed. I had planned to pull together a rundown of the things you need to know about your choices that aren’t #fakenews, but what I found is a lot of contradictory information, even from otherwise reliable publications. This makes it hard for women to parse fact from fiction, and to know exactly what reproductive rights women actually have in their respective location. So consider this a work-in-progress and not a definitive list, which I intend to update as I get more information. Hopefully in the meantime this will help to clear up at least some things for you.
If you’re in the US, read on below, and if you’re in Northern Ireland, scroll down the page a little.
What is the situation in the US?
Firstly, abortion is still legal across the country, even in the states that have recently passed bans. This has been the case since the 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade. Planned Parenthood is still operating in states that have banned abortion. If you already have an abortion scheduled, you should still it will be able to proceed with it. If you need to schedule one, you should still be able to do that, too, assuming you live in an area with someone who is licensed, willing, and able to provide an abortion. None of the most recent restrictive laws have gone into effect yet. Below are some details about the most relevant and recent abortion bans. It is hard to find accurate and up-to-date reports on this issue, so when in doubt, go to Planned Parenthood for information.
The abortion ban in Georgia will not take effect until January 2020. In the meantime, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have taken the state to court.
The Alabama ban would not have taken effect until November 2019; six months after becoming law. But a recent decision by the Supreme Court has blocked the ban. Despite this good news, it can still be difficult to access abortion in Alabama. The Yellowhammer Fund is a great resource to turn to if you are struggling to obtain abortion care.
Missouri’s only abortion clinic will be open and providing abortions until August. Gateway Women’s Access Fund can help if you are struggling to pay for your abortion.
Many observers expect that the Georgia and Missouri bans will also be declared unconstitutional (fingers crossed!)
Arkansas’ abortion ban will begin July 24th, where abortion is illegal after 18 weeks. The ACLU and Planned Parenthood are currently in a legal battle with the state to stop this abortion ban from being implemented. Arkansas Abortion Support Network is a resource you can turn to if you live in this state and need help.
Misssissippi’s abortion ban has been blocked as the legal battle proceeds, so if you’re in this state, you can still get an abortion.
Kentucky and Iowa’s abortion bans have both been blocked by federal judges, who have (correctly!) ruled them to be unconstitutional. Kentucky Health Justice Network can help you gain access to abortion care if you are struggling.
In Ohio, the abortion ban has been partially blocked, and there is an ongoing legal battle that will hopefully result in a ruling that the ban is unconstitutional. So you can still get an abortion in Ohio, at least for now. Women Have Options is an abortion support non profit that can help if you are struggling in accessing abortion.
In Indiana, a federal judge blocked a ban that was supposed to take effect on July 1st.
In North Dakota, abortion is still technically legal as long as it’s before 20 weeks. However, the fact that there is only one abortion clinic in the entire state (which covers an area bigger than England), and a host of new laws such as 72 hour waiting period, make it all the more difficult. If you are encountering these issues, look to the WIN Fund, which helps pay for abortion costs.
In Texas, you can still get an abortion, but the state has some of the most restrictive laws in the country, starting with the fact that you must get the abortion before 20 weeks. Here is a reliable guide to other restrictions currently in place. If you cannot afford an abortion, The Lilith Fund helps people pay for abortions within the state of Texas.
As you know, this is an extremely confusing and challenging time for women’s reproductive rights. It is difficult knowing which resources to trust. That’s why we’re donating half of our revenue this month to the ACLU, an organization that, in partnership with Planned Parenthood, has been those states to court that have recently passed abortion bans. The battles are far from over, and you can come back to this article periodically, as it will be updated as events develop further. Check out the National Network of Abortion Funds if you are looking for help paying the rising costs of abortion and the above organizations don’t apply to your state.
How about Northern Ireland?
For our readers living in Northern Ireland, as you know, abortion is still illegal, but there are some reliable resources available if you are in need of an abortion here.
The British Pregnancy Advisory offers funded abortions for women from Northern Ireland in England. To qualify, you must reside in Northern Ireland and be registered with a Northern Ireland GP. They will not contact your GP unless you say they can. You may be eligible for help with the expenses of getting to England and finding a place to stay while in the country.
The Abortion Support Network is a non-profit that provides funding, information, and accommodation to those forced to travel to get an abortion, whether you’re from Northern Ireland, Ireland, Malta, the Isle of Man, or Gibraltar. This is why we’re donating the other half of this month’s Restless revenue to them.
If you live in Northern Ireland and are unable to travel, Women Help Women and Women on Web are the safest and most reliable sources of services for you . Both will give a consultation and support through the process, as well as providing the abortion pill. Women on Web refers you to a licensed doctor who can provide you the abortion pill after an extensive consultation. You can find more information here.
If you live in the Republic of Ireland, you can get an abortion if you are less than twelve weeks pregnant. The abortion process will include a fee and a certification from a doctor. Find more information here. Given the short amount of time, however, you might need to find options outside the country, such as those listed above.
We really hope you find the above helpful and remember to check back for updates.