Dear New Year

Dear New Year

Over the coming days, we’ll be sharing team Restless’ reflections and aspirations ahead of a new decade promising plenty of change…

While a new year will always bring pause for thought, a new decade feels like a truly new leaf, a blank page on which to write our own futures. So, with 2020 coming in hot, we asked Restless’ team of editors, illustrators and writers to take us through their reflections and hopes as we enter a new decade. Here, our first two Restless Rebels…

Founder and editor, Olivia DeRamus

When thinking about my hopes for 2020 there a few things that come to mind immediately. Number one being that I’m desperately hoping for Donald Trump to leave the White House. I recently went back to America, and there were some small, random moments that reminded me of all the good things that Trump’s ascension threw in the dark. I hope that we can start rebuilding those things; kindness, diversity, open mindedness…

Politics has been a lot lately, and because so much of what’s been fought over affects our lives, so our lives too have turned various levels of inside out. I hope we can get back on course, and I still think that we’re not too far gone to do it. Trump’s impeachment is just one sign of that. Ultimately, I’m hoping for more empathy from all party lines. 

For myself? That answer doesn’t come as easily. This year has been pretty intense, with Restless launching only in July – and already growing so fast! I hope to figure out the whole empowered woman thing, and I hope that Restless empowers the many members of this community that have made my world so much brighter. Being able to publish so many stories that really reflect our experiences has had a huge positive impact on me. I believe that when one woman speaks her truth, thousands more feel seen. The many writers who have written on this site have made me feel seen, and from the feedback I’ve gotten from many of you, it’s impacted you in the same way. I hope we can continue this, and it feels comforting knowing that there are so many people out there who really do give a damn. Yes, these are some weird times, but there are so many wonderful people out here still working to make the world a better place. That makes me feel hopeful.

Hmm. What else? More dancing in the living room, more time with friends, more love, more speaking out, and more connection. Essentially, I’m hoping for a big, juicy year of life,

Illustrator Kirsty Bain

As we’re coming to the end of the decade. I’ve been reflecting on my awkward teenage self. This is probably partly due to what I feel may be the beginning of a quarter-life crisis (I cannot be alone in this) fueled by Spotify’s throwbacks to what I was listening to when I was 15, as well as a winter spent binge-watching all the classics.

This indulgent nostalgia trip got me thinking about my identity as a teen, through to who I am now as a fully-fledged adult – Yikes! I’ve always been pretty sure about what bands I listen to and the way I like to dress, though I can’t say I always felt confident expressing it. This year, I fully learnt to let go of all the voices telling me to be more reserved and totally immerse myself in creativity and self-expression. If my 15-year-old self could see me now, I reckon she would be proud of where we’re at.

This journey in self-expression has also filtered itself through my professional career. 2020 will be, I hope, the time to hone my craft, to continue to succeed and grow my creative side businesses. In 2019, I began to flourish as a designer which, being self-taught, is quite an achievement. My artwork, meanwhile, comes directly from the heart, and hearing incredible comments from happy clients has given me the confidence I needed to feel sure of myself.

2020 will also bring a change of day job. When people around me hear of my new career goals alongside all my ‘side’ projects they tell me I’m mad, asking “Why would you leave such a stable job with so many opportunities for progression?”’ My answer is completely simple. I never want to be the girl who looks back on my life, whether in ten or 20 year’s time, and wonder what could have been. 2020 is the time for me to truly follow my heart, my passions and explore my creativity, no matter the challenges and risks that come with that.

On a more personal note, next year I hope to spend less time looking at the ‘success’ of others and instead celebrating my own wins. While I have big career goals and dreams, I also hope to make more time for myself, my friends, family, partner and, of course, my two fur babies. After all, life is extremely short and fragile. I want to be at a point this time next year where I have made incredible memories and experiences to take with me.

That’s all from me. I hope 2020 brings happiness to all you Restless Rebels out there. Keep giving a damn, and keep doing you!

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